For a Fortune 1000 company today, it is easy to be casual about Scope 3 emissions. When it comes to measurement guidance, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) GHG Protocol considers the quantification of Scope 3 emissions as optional when preparing an overall corporate GHG inventory.
As for current or pending regulation, it is unlikely that companies will be held accountable for their Scope 3 emissions. And when it comes to reputation, it is understandable that companies choose to ignore a category that typically represents an exponentially larger footprint than their Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Logical decisions all.
But in the aggregate, these decisions have led to three unintended effects: one pedantic, one peculiar and one perilous.... Check out the full article from Emma Stewart,Corporate Environmental Strategy Consultant.
How to Embed Purpose at Every Level
3 days ago